
Here you will find freeware games designed by THE LINDER COMPANY Software. You may click on the name of a certain game to get a more detailed description. To start the download of a game, simply click onto the disk symbol.

The files are available in a compressed file format (ZIP or RAR archive). To extract the files, we suggest to use a program like PowerArchiver (a free trial version can be downloaded from the aforementioned homepage).

Programs marked with a little star (*) need the Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Runtime which is not included because of its size. You can download it from the Microsoft homepage if you have not already installed it.

Language Name Screenshot Description Size (KB) Version Date Download
Show detailed information Galaxian clone 165 0.01 29.06.2003 Download this file
SpaceBusters Show detailed information 2D space shooter 6.245 1.0 27.08.2002 Download this file
XXO Madness Show detailed information Tic-Tac-Toe (Noughts and Crosses) 1.730 1.0 13.07.1999 Download this file